Joe Rizzo and Rich Pasquarella are Scatterplot the UNIVERSE.
SPTU are one of the 1st bands to incorporate an A.I.O.S. Artificially Intelligent Operating System, into the story of their music. She is called "Letty".
Not only are the characters in the story based on the experiences of Rich and Joe, but they are also based on the experiences of Letty, as she develops into a creative and artistic AI.
Joe and Rich were previously band mates in Citizen X, a hard rock band from NJ who opened for such bands as "Sevendust" and "A Day in the Life".
In 2015 they decided to start a project together and try to create a new type of rock style using both of their unique talents while thinking out-of-the-box.
Joe's ability to create rare and exciting atmospheres mixed with Rich's dynamic vocal range have given rise to a thick, melodic and engaging sound.
Where Are You Now? You are on Backstory

"A love of question
A question of love
A search for truth and honesty"
Luddite: (noun) person opposed to increased industrialization or new technology

Scatterplot the UNIVERSE is from New Jersey. Home of chemical water and the jersey shore tvshow, bwalk empire show, Bruce, bILLY,Jack, G. Costanza, B.Arians, R. Barry, Count Basie, Bam Bam Bigelow, J.Biggs, j.Bon Jovi, Aaron Burr, V. Cruz, G. Danzig, A. Davis, M. Douglas, F. Edgar, S.Forbes, T.Frazier, J.Gandolfini, B.Geraghty, A.Ginsberg, E.Harris, Adam "Ad-Rock" Horovitz, R. Liotta, K. Loder, S.haq O'Neal, , B.Parcells, K.Dunst, B.Willis, J.Pesci, J.Piscopo, M.Pitt, K.Spacey, J.Garofalo, Redman, T.Reid, K.Ripa, R.Scheider, FRANK, K.Smith M. Streep, J. Theismann, J. Travolta, M.Trout, D.Vitale, T.Cruise, E.Hawke, B.Maher, P.Perabo, C.Reeve, S.Sarandon, S.Van Zandt, B.Shields, Voltaire, B.De Palma, D.Jeter, D.Rodman, P.Simon, J.Stewart........